Hal jordan green lantern
Hal jordan green lantern

hal jordan green lantern

Swapped brains with an opponent to steal their body. Puts a mental block on people), Technology Manipulation ( Projected a message through televisions in Coast City), Biological Manipulation ( His Power Ring can evolve opponents backward. Forms a hand of water.) Can project actual water from his ring), Mind Manipulation ( Plants suggestions in some warriors’ minds to make them miss. Created a fan), Sound Manipulation ( Turned off Arisia’s voice), Astral Projection ( Projected himself to Ice and Fire), Body Control ( Seals his and Barry Allen’s metabolisms), Non-Physical Interaction and Statistics Amplification via Absorption ( Absorbs a Guardian’s astral projection to gain more power, and can absorb his opponent’s energy to recharge his ring), Sealing ( Sealed Doctor Light in the Central Power Battery), Creation and Wood Manipulation ( Created wooden bugs), Water Manipulation ( Generates a tidal wave. Melts guns) Can replicate the heat of the sun), Fire Manipulation ( Can generate searing flames) Created fire to counter Martian Manhunter), Air Manipulation ( Can generate tornadoes and gusts of wind. Can change his appearance, and hundreds of projections of himself), Duplication ( Created several hard-fisted images of himself to fight.) Can create copies of the ring), Summoning of other Green Lanterns, Memory Manipulation, Limited Ice Manipulation, Power Bestowal (Can construct temporary Green Lantern Rings to give to others, and did so to give Wally West the powers of a Green Lantern), Heat Manipulation ( Creates a miniature sun. Surrounds an enemy with multiple false images of himself) Creates a ghost image of himself. Can scan through walls, DNA, and down to the level of neurons), Limited Spatial Manipulation, Portal Creation ( Can create portals through space and time.) Created a portal for the antimatter universe), BFR (Can create interdimensional portals), Invisibility ( Rendered himself and Black Canary invisible), Illusion Creation ( Created a false image of himself. ), Weapon Creation, Matter Manipulation, Telepathy ( Can use his Power Ring to probe the minds of others) Can communicate with other Green Lanterns), Dimensional Travel and Limited Manipulation, Healing (Low Healed a small wound on his leg), Time Slow ( Can dilate time to choose a successor in the event of his death), Automatic Forcefields, Intangibility ( Flew through a window, a wall, and someone’s hand), Hacking and Data Processing/Transmission, Information Analysis ( Made a construct allowing Barry Allen to see on the molecular level, scanned someone’s vitals, scanned an alien plant for toxins, determined a robot’s weakness. Hal and Arisia time traveled after the Crisis, albeit with difficulty), Teleportation ( Can teleport himself and other people), Space- Flight, Supernatural Willpower and Empowerment, Energy Manipulation and Absorption ( Absorbed electro-magnetic convection currents and absorbed Alan Scott’s mind.] Capable of absorbing life force.

hal jordan green lantern

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Projection, Time Travel (Could time travel during Pre-Crisis.

Hal jordan green lantern