Final fantasy xiv mog station error has occurred 401
Final fantasy xiv mog station error has occurred 401

final fantasy xiv mog station error has occurred 401

Help!!! :-) I sent a message to customer support, but I just got the vanilla response that servers are busy, and that must explain any problem. Is it possible Steam is trying to access my Service Account 1 which has been inactive since 2013? How would I tell Steam to use Service Account 2? Might that be the source of the problem? And since I could not figure a way to enter my new license codes in that Service Account, I created a Service Account #2, and entered my codes there. The only thing odd about my situation is that I had an old inactive FF14 “Service Account” on the Mog pages from 2013. I always get to the login page, successfully login, and then I am stuck on that main page with nothing happening, and nothing I can do to proceed. I have also uninstalled completely and reinstalled FF14, and again no change.

final fantasy xiv mog station error has occurred 401

I did a Steam check of all files, and it did not help. No error, no message, just nothing else on the page changes. And when I put in the correct ID/PW, the page accepts them just fine, then clears the part of the page that requested the login, and just sits there. If I test using an invalid ID or PW, it rejects it, and gives an error message asking for the correct one (as expected). Its not crashed, and the UI is not frozen. I can't get past that login page after entering the correct ID/PW. No errors, no messages, and no option to do anything. After entering the correct info, the request for login goes blank, but the rest of the main page stays unchanged and does nothing.


The login page accepts my Square Enix ID and password correctly. But when I run it (from Steam), I get the FF14 login screen, then I log in, and then I can't get past that screen. Just bought FF14 on steam today (Starter + Endwalker).

Final fantasy xiv mog station error has occurred 401